A bot that creates temporary voice channels/temp voice channels.

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Temporary voice channels

Easy to setup temporary voice channel bot.

Best user control

Let the user have control over the temporary voice channel without any administrator being online.

How to setup TEMPBOT



Invite TEMPBOT here

Start setup process

Use /setup to start the setup.


Enjoy our bot with your friends.
Mobirise Website Builder

Admin commands

Setting up the first HUB for temporary voice channels.

(You need to have Manage Server to access this command.)

Removing your server from our database. This will remove all HUB channels too. 

(You need to have Manage Server to access this command.)

Configuring command for the temporary voice channels.

/config create - Create a new HUB.
/config remove - Remove a hub.
/config setname - Set default channel name.
/config setlimit - Set default user limit.
/config private - Change the privacy for temporary voice channels.
/config setroles - Add/remove roles you want to have access to the hub.
/config setcategory - Select a category that should be used to create temporary voice channels in.
/config behavior - Change the behavior.
/config cmd - Select a command that you want to Enable/Disable for a hub. 
/config language - Change the bot language.

(You need to have Manage Server to access this command.)

Configuring command for the temporary roles.

/temprole addrole - Add temporary role to user.
/temprole removerole - Remove temporary role to user.
/temprole addredeem - Add redeem code.
/temprole delredeem - Add redeem code.
/temprole redeemlist - List all redeem codes.
/temprole notification - Set notification channel.
/temprole userinfo - Info about users temporary roles.
/temprole myroles - Check your own temporary roles. (None admin command)
/temprole redeem - Redeem code to get temporary role. (None admin command)

User commands

Allows a user to join your channel. (Even if it's private)

Claims authority of the voice channel you're in if the original owner has left.

Denies a user from joining your channel. (Even if it's public)

Invites a user into your temporary voice channel.

Changes the number of people that can join your temporary voice channel.

Locks your temporary voice channel.

Changes the name of your temporary voice channel.


Change the region for your temporary voice channel.

Transfer ownership of the temporary voice channel.

Unlocks your temporary voice channel.

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